A brief introduction to AutoMapper in TypeScript

11/16/2019 - 05:06 | 13 min read

Hi everyone, it’s been exactly a month (again) since my last blog 😄 and you’re probably getting bored of me saying that. Last month, I published a blog explaining why I wanted to create an AutoMapper library in TypeScript. In today’s blog, I am going to dive deeper into how it works in TypeScript by officially introducing my library for the first time: @nartc/automapper

Check it out on:

The Problem

With NodeJS getting more and more popular, we start seeing a lot more Server-Side projects written in NodeJS and problems with exposing the proper data slowly concerns many developers who are working on those projects. The concern shows clearer in particular with building APIs using DDD (Domain Driven Design) with a lot of DTOs / VMs (Data Transfer Object or View Model, these two terms can be used interchangeably). In other words, you do not want to expose your Domain Model outside of the Persistence Layer just in case the Application Layer in Multitier Architecture.

And in JavaScript, being a Dynamic Programming Language, the above problem ”can be done” quite easily because there is nothing stopping you from assigning values to your heart content. However, doing so blindly or mindlessly can cost you your maintainability to your code-base which is extremely dangerous and well, costly. On the other hand, doing so repeatedly will be prone to errors and eventually all of these ”manual mappings” will become tech debts that are really hard to repay, especially Complex Mappings.


Let’s assume you are building a minimal AirBnB clone and you plan to have the following Domain Models:

  1. Person
  2. Listing
  3. Booking

Real scenario will have many more Domain Models like: Notification, Message, Transaction etc… to accommodate such platform. Here, I take out all the transaction-related to simplify this blog post.

and you want to your platform able to do the following:

  1. Anyone can register to become a Person in your application.

    • A Person has two main Role: User and Host
    • Signed up Person will have their Role default to User
  2. A Person with User role can:

    • Look at all Listing
    • Create a Booking
    • Save Booking to pastBookings
    • Save a Listing to wishlist
    • Save a Listing to lastViews list
  3. A Person will become a Host after they create their first Listing and can:

    • Create more Listing
    • Respond to Booking request

From the above requirements, you can see that our Domain Models are having quite a complex relationship and circular dependencies

  1. Person can have a list of Listing on lastViews and wishlist
  2. Person can have a list of Booking on pastBookings
  3. Listing must have a Person as host
  4. Booking must have both Person as user and host, and also Listing as listing

Let us all assume that we don’t have to worry about Domain Models relationships like One-One, One-Many and Many-Many. We only focus on exposing our Models to the consumers.

Let’s look at our models in code:

// Person.ts

class Address {
  street: string;
  city: string;
  state: string;
  zip: string;

class Profile {
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  bio: string;
  phone: string;
  address: Address;

enum Role {
  User = "user",
  Host = "host",

class Person {
  email: string;
  password: string;
  profile: Profile;
  role: Role;
  lastViews: Listing[];
  wishlist: Listing[];
  pastBookings: Booking[];
// Listing.ts

class GeoLocation {
  lat: number;
  lng: number;

class Listing {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  price: number;
  location: GeoLocation;
  host: Person;
// Booking.ts

class Booking {
  startDate: Date;
  endDate: Date;
  user: Person;
  host: Person;
  listing: Listing;
  total: number;

Take note that even though we wrote out Models with Nested Schemas but in reality, those relationships should be managed by reference (aka foreign key, aka IDs). To illustrate the point that data the consumers would get, we wrote it as nested.

As you can see, if we do not transform our Domain Models before returning to the consumers, we will then introduce circular dependencies in the data shape that the consumers would get. And the response could get substantially large with all the deep circular nesting. Moreover, we also create some “security issue” (like password) by exposing the Domain Models as they are: Person -> Booking -> Person -> Booking etc… To address this issue without any tools, we might come up with something like this:

// DTOs.ts

class ProfileDto {
  name: string;
  bio: string;
  phone: string;
  formattedAddress: string; // street + city + state + zip

  constructor(profile: Profile) {
    this.name = profile.name;
    this.bio = profile.bio;
    this.phone = profile.phone;
    this.formattedAddress = profile.address.street + profile.address.city + ...;/

class PersonDto {
  email: string;
  role: Role;
  profile: ProfileDto;
  lastViews: ListingDto[];
  wishlist: ListingDto[];
  pastBookings: BookingDto[];

  constructor(person: Person) {
    this.email = person.email;
    this.role = person.role;
    this.profile = new ProfileDto(person.profile);
    this.lastViews = person.lastViews.map(lv => new ListingDto(lv));
    this.wishlist = person.wishlist.map(wl => new ListingDto(wl));
    this.pastBookings = person.pastBookings.map(pb => new BookingDto(pb));

// to break the circular dependency here, we will then need to introduce another smaller Dto for Person

class PersonInfoDto {
  email: string;
  profile: ProfileDto;

  constructor(person: Person) {
    this.email = person.email;
    this.profile = new ProfileDto(person.profile);

class ListingDto {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  host: PersonInfoDto;

  constructor(listing: Listing) {
    this.name = listing.name;
    this.description = listing.description;
    this.host = new PersonInfoDto(listing.host);

class BookingDto {
  host: PersonInfoDto;
  listing: ListingDto;
  startDate: Date;
  endDate: Date;
  total: number;

  constructor(booking: Booking) {
    this.host = new PersonInfoDto(booking.host);
    this.listing = new ListingDto(booking.listing);
    this.startDate = booking.startDate;
    this.endDate = booking.endDate;
    this.total = booking.total;

DTOs are very specific and will differ from project to project. Decision making process for this dumbed-down version of this particular use-case:

  1. For Profile.address, we only want to display a formattedAddress string.
  2. For Person.lastViews and Person.wishlist, we would normally display like a list of cards with some minimal information. That’s why ListingDto contains those information.

Next, you might have noticed the constructor() in each DTOs, we are essentially “map” the Domain Models to these DTOs manually by passing in the appropriate Domain Model in the constructor() of a matching DTO. This approach is safe and it works well. In fact, our company uses this hand-written approach in one of our NestJS backend. However, this approach is not a good solution because:

  1. Violates DRY. In a real scenario, you’d end up with many DTOs matching against a single Domain Model. The mapping is almost never one-model-one-view-model and you probably have to re-type a lot of mapping, both simple and complex ones.
  2. Error-prone. Because of the amount of re-typing, your code is more prone to human-errors.
  3. One-way mapping. Without introducing even more code, you cannot have two-ways mapping Domain <=> DTO
  4. Separation of Concern. Now this is a debatable one. One could argue that the mapping logic can (and should) stay within the DTO because that is where the transformation should occur. But, I’d try to make my DTO as clean and slim as possible by separating the Mapping logic out of the DTO itself.

AutoMapper can help

Let me recap, @nartc/automapper implementation of AutoMapper is an Object to Object mapping solution by convention. Before we get to how @nartc/automapper can help us, allow me to introduce to all of you that are not familiar with AutoMapper some terminologies so you can follow better:

  1. Mapper: This is the main object that will help with the mapping. Usually in an AutoMapper implementation, Mapper is exposed as a singleton. In @nartc/automapper, there’s a singleton Mapper. However, you can always instantiate another Mapper if you wish to manage your Mapper instance.
  2. Profile: A Domain Model can have at least 1 Profile. A Profile is a class that extends MappingProfileBase and it represents a profile of ONE Domain Models and its matching DTOs.
  3. Mapping: A Mapping is a blueprint between two Models, usually a Domain Model and a DTO. The Mapper can only proceed with the map operation if the Mapping exists.

Now, let’s start with the issues one by one, not in any particular order:

  1. Separation of Concern As the definition of Profile has stated, a Profile can house all the mapping logics for a specific Domain Model. We have 3 Domain Models so we’ll have 3 Profiles
class PersonProfile extends MappingProfileBase {
  constructor() {
    super(); // needed for this.profileName

  configure(mapper: AutoMapper): void {
    throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

class ListingProfile extends MappingProfileBase {
  constructor() {

  configure(mapper: AutoMapper): void {
    throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

class BookingProfile extends MappingProfileBase {
  constructor() {

  configure(mapper: AutoMapper): void {
    throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

Let’s implement our PersonProfile.configure():

class PersonProfile extends MappingProfileBase {
  constructor() {
    super(); // needed for this.profileName

  configure(mapper: AutoMapper): void {
      .createMap(Profile, ProfileDto) // create the Mapping for Profile -> ProfileDto
        d => d.name,
        opts => opts.mapFrom(s => s.firstName + " " + s.lastName)
      ) // map from Profile.firstName and Profile.lastName to ProfileDto.name. TypeScript will help out here
        d => d.formattedAddress,
        opts =>
            s => s.address.street + " " + s.address.city + " " + s.address.state
      ) // d stands for destination, s stands for source
      .reverseMap(); // create the Mapping for ProfileDto -> Profile

    mapper.createMap(Person, PersonDto).reverseMap(); // create the Mapping for Person -> PersonDto and PersonDto -> Person

Here, we say PersonProfile extends MappingProfileBase to initiate our contract between PersonProfile and MappingProfileBase which is used internally by @nartc/automapper. The constructor is needed to grab PersonProfile string and assign it to this.profileName. Each instance of Mapper will keep track of its profiles by profileName. Then we implement configure() method which receives the Mapper instance. Next, we proceed to start creating our first mappings by calling createMap() method which follows Fluent Interface:

  1. createMap(Profile, ProfileDto): this creates the Mapping for Profile -> ProfileDto. This method also establishes mapping configurations for properties that are on both Profile and ProfileDto. Remember, by convention? So, Profile.bio will be mapped to ProfileDto.bio without you having to configure that.
  2. What if we need to configure a property on the Destination (ProfileDto in this case)? forMember() is created for that purpose. Pass in a Selector Function to let Mapper know which property you want to configure explicitly and another function that receives the ForMemberOptions object which exposes different methods for you to configure the property being selected. Here, we want to configure ProfileDto.name explicitly and we want to take Profile.firstName value and Profile.lastName value to assign to ProfileDto.name. Therefore, we use mapFrom() which takes in yet another Selector Function to get the value for ProfileDto.name. TypeScript will help out here with safe-typings. You will actually get an error if you’re trying to map a value that is different than a string to ProfileDto.name (which is a string).

Error TypeError when trying to map unmatched value type

@nartc/automapper follows as close to the original .NET AutoMapper API as possible.

  1. We repeat the process for formattedAddress.
  2. Call reverseMap() to create another Mapping for ProfileDto -> Profile.
  3. Create another Mapping for Person -> PersonDto
  4. Call reverseMap() to create another Mapping for PersonDto -> Person

Why is createMap(Person, PersonDto) so short/empty? Again, remember by convention? This is one of the strong point of an AutoMapper. @nartc/automapper will try to map matching properties on both Person and PersonDto for primitives, nested models and list. Here, we set PersonDto.profile to ProfileDto and we have already setup a Mapping for Profile -> ProfileDto, @nartc/automapper will be able to map from Person.profile to PersonDto.profile without any configuration because @nartc/automapper will get the existing Mapping for Profile -> ProfileDto to map profile since a Mapping for any pair of Models is unique.

The same goes for Listing and Booking so to simplify, I will not be putting code for those in this blog. You can find a full example here: CodeSandbox

@nartc/automapper currently supports a wide range of features:

  • Basic Mapping between two classes
  • Basic Mapping for nested classes
  • Array/List Mapping
  • Flattening
  • ReverseMap
  • Value Converters
  • Value Resolvers
  • Async
  • Before/After Callback
  • Naming Conventions

so please check out Github to learn more.


Just want to get it out there, I work on this library knowing the limitations of TypeScript on its reflection capabilities. Hence, there are some flaws that are worth mentioning:

  1. Selector Function: Currently, the way I grab the properties from these Selector Function is kind of flaky. I expect bugs in different scenarios when the library is used more. Even though I am pretty confident since I have unit test for @nartc/automapper.
  2. Reflection: @nartc/automapper has a peer dependency on reflect-metadata and two dependencies which are class-transformer and lodash.set. lodash.set is pretty self-explanatory. So I will explain the other two:

    • reflect-metadata: This is used to be able to get metadata from decorators.
    • class-transformer: This library exposes a couple of nifty stuffs that @nartc/automapper can make use of. Namely, plainToClass(), @Expose() and @Type().

I have written about this in the previous blog on Why I (want to) build an AutoMapper in TypeScript?

And to fix and/or improve flaws, I need more trials and more flaws. Please, if it fits your use-case, give @nartc/automapper a try.


Beside the core library @nartc/automapper, I have also written a wrapper to be used in NestJS which goes by nestjsx-automapper on npm. It is a part of NestJSX opinionated set of modules written specifically for NestJS. Check it out on Github


Currently, @nartc/automapper is waiting for more feedbacks and issues so it can be improved upon. Tutorial wise, I plan to record a video tutorial beside this blog post so stay tune for that. It feels much nicer on video, I promise. That said, if you decide to give the library a try, keep the feedbacks/issues coming. TIA!


Thank you for reading. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next blog 🚀


Written by Chau Tran